Eigenstate : libmath


Math is hard, let's go shopping.

pkg math =
    trait fpmath @f =
        exp : (x : @f -> @f)
        expm1 : (x : @f -> @f)

        fma : (x : @f, y : @f, z : @f -> @f)

        log : (x : @f -> @f)
        log1p : (x : @f -> @f)

        horner_poly : (x : @f, a : @f[:] -> @f)
        horner_polyu : (x : @f, a : @u[:] -> @f)

        powr : (x : @f, y : @f -> @f)

        scale2 : (x : @f, m : @i -> @f)

        sin : (x : @f -> @f)
        cos : (x : @f -> @f)
        sincos : (x : @f -> (@f, @f))

        sqrt : (x : @f -> @f)

        kahan_sum : (a : @f[:] -> @f)
        priest_sum : (a : @f[:] -> @f)

        tan : (x : @f -> @f)
        cot : (x : @f -> @f)

        trunc : (f : @f -> @f)
        ceil  : (f : @f -> @f)
        floor : (f : @f -> @f)

    trait roundable @f -> @i =
        rn : (f : @f -> @i)

    impl std.equatable flt32
    impl std.equatable flt64
    impl roundable flt64 -> int64
    impl roundable flt32 -> int32
    impl fpmath flt32
    impl fpmath flt64

Libmath currently does not raise floating point exceptions. Only the rounding mode round-to-nearest (RN) is supported, and the only base is 2, in binary32 and binary64 formats.


const exp : (x : @f -> @f)
const expm1 : (x : @f -> @f)

The exp function computes the base e exponential e^x. expm1 computes e^x-1. expm1 is accurate even for small values of x. Results should be correct to within 0.77 ulps.


const fma : (x : @f, y : @f, z : @f -> @f)

The fma function computes x*y+z as a single operation, avoiding a rounding error and subtractive cancellation on the intermediate value. When supported, a specialized CPU instruction is used.


log : (x : @f -> @f)
log1p : (x : @f -> @f)

The log function computes the natural logarithm log(x). log1p computes log(1 + x). log1p is accurate even for small values of x. Results should be correct to within 0.6 ulps.

Horner Polynomials

const horner_poly : (x : @f, a : @f[:] -> @f)
const horner_polyu : (x : @f, a : @u[:] -> @f)

Evaluates a polynomial represented by the coefficients a at x. The polyu version accepts coefficients in bit form (as output from flt64bits).


powr : (x : @f, y : @f -> @f)

The powr function computes x^y, with exceptions arising from considering the formula e^(log(y) * x). This is not the pow function of the C standard; negative integer values are not treated specially.

This function is relatively accurate for real-world values of x and y, but exhibits poor behavior when x is extremely high and y is extremely small, with errors up to 16 ulps observed.


scale2 : (x : @f, m : @i -> @f)

Computes 2^m * x, including cases when 2^m would overflow or underflow floating-point representation, but the product is representable.

Sine and Cosine

sin : (x : @f -> @f)
cos : (x : @f -> @f)
sincos : (x : @f -> (@f, @f))

Compute sine and cosine of x. The calculation is exhaustively correct for flt32 arguments, and is usually within 1 ulp for flt64 arguments. All calculation, however, is performed in 64-bit precision, so flt32 calculations are relatively slow.


sqrt : (x : @f -> @f)

Computes the square root of x. The calculation should be correctly rounded.


kahan_sum : (a : @f[:] -> @f)
priest_sum : (a : @f[:] -> @f)

Implements Kahan and Priest summation, respectively. These functions provide more accurate summation than simply adding each number in the sequence naively.

Each function sums a sequence of floats, returning the computed sum.

Tangent and Cotangent

tan : (x : @f -> @f)
cot : (x : @f -> @f)

Compute tangent and cotangent of x. The calculation is exhaustively correct for flt32 arguments, and is usually within 1 ulp for flt64 arguments, although errors of up to 4 ulps have been observed. All calculation is performed in 64-bit precision, so flt32 calculations are relatively slow.


trunc : (x : @f -> @f)
ceil  : (x : @f -> @f)
floor : (x : @f -> @f)
rn : (x : @f -> @i)

Trunc truncates its argument, or equivalently, rounds its argument downwards towards zero.

Floor and ceil compute the floor and ceiling of their argument, rounding towards negative infinity and infinity, respectively.

Rn rounds its argument to the nearest integer, rounding towards even numbers in order to break ties.