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Re: Smaller binary size

On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 21:57:51 +0800
nml <arumakanil@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I found that there is some unnecessary code included in the compiled
> executable. A hello-world program contains the code for a DNS resolver, for
> instance. It's not a big deal in most real-life applications but I'd like
> to investigate the possibility of being bloatedness-free.

A bit of profiling goes a long way. I'd suggest starting with bloaty
before taking a shot in the dark:


> As far as I can tell the symbols are included because they are called by
> the __init__ functions of the std package. Do you have any ideas about what
> I can do?
> What I have come up with so far is to extract some parts of the std package
> into separate packages. Thoughts?

A hello world binary is a bit fat right now, but I'm not too worried if it's
mostly constant overhead. At least, it's not a case worth making the libraries
harder to use.

That said, making it smaller would be good. For specific inits that drag in
a lot, I think we can move some initialization from to a lazy initialization
when we reach any entry point to that code:

	const lazyinit = {
		if !initdone	/* skip locking in common case */
			if !initdone

Which might also help startup time, and make it saner to reinit things on,
for example, the user editing /etc/hosts.

I think some cleanup of the standard libraries would also be welcome, although
libstd is a bit big by design; I think I'd rather have

	use std

over 9001 'use microlibrary' statements. The hope is that some care,
thoughts, and taseful use of traits would allow us to make our APIs
deeper, delete code, and reduce the number of functions needed to
accomplish things.

> I would also like to know if there is any near-term roadmap or milestones
> or what you guys are working on currently.

There's no grand roadmap, just a bunch of people doing what amuses them. I
don't have the desire or authority to tell people what they should be working

A few things that I'm poking at, though: Some of these actually have
significant code behind them, others I've just thought about:

	- Actually using Myrddin to write more code.
		There's irc.myr, contbuild, but I'd like to actually write
		more tools. There are a bunch of half-finished things which
		I need to find some time to finish up.

	- Implementing an assembler and linker.
		Cross linking for different architectures painlessly would be
		nice. As would not depending on the GNU toolchain. I'm
		collaborating on this one with the 'scc' (Something C
		compiler) people.

	- Switching to QBE (http://c9x.me/compile).
		QBE is a nice compiler backend, and I've got it partially
		working. It needs to become fully working, get ported to
		Plan 9, and grow at least line number debug info support
		before it can become the default backend.

		This should also help with code size, since right now we
		just generate tons of spare instructions.

	- Autogenerating C bindings.
		QC is a very good starting point, but there's a lot to do to
		in order to make C bindings play well with namespaces.

	- Working on GUI support (X11 + devdraw bindings)
		Drawing on the screen is sometimes useful. Doing full
		GUI support on Unix will probably involve figuring out
		fonts, although as a stopgap I can probalby use the
		Plan 9 subfont format with X11.

	- Making libthread not suck.
		It particularly sucks on OSX, but it's a little bit bare
		even on other systems. Figuring out some higher level
		APIs would be a good idea.

	- Expanding libcrypto.
		It's missing a large number of virtually essential algorithms.

	- And using libcrypto to create libtls.
		Essential for what? TLS, which is used for a lot of
		communication these days.

	- Implementing more libraries:
		- Libmath:	Basic floating point math; transcendentals, etc.
		- Libflate:	Inflate/deflate/bzip2/... compression.

	- Bootstrapping:
		This is low priority, but it will happen at some point.
		There's a parser library that needs to learn about type

Ori Bernstein <ori@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Smaller binary sizenml <arumakanil@xxxxxxxxx>