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Re: attempting to port to DFBSD

I know said the tests were passing on IRC a while back -- curious if you're
still working on this?

On Mon, 15 May 2017 12:38:13 -0400, Duck Deux <duck2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> hello.
> I am on DragonFly 4.8 https://www.dragonflybsd.org/
> would like to port mc to this posixy system.
> DFly forked from FBSD only 14 years ago, so I thought I could copy start-freebsd.s and abort-freebsd.s as start-dragonfly and abort-dragonfly.
> I also copied over {ifreq, sys, syscall, syserrno}+freebsd-x64.myr, made new syscall table for sys+dragonfly. should probably do signals and errno too.
> currently mbld dies with sigsegv. checked with GDB, looks like the mmap in getmem() does not really get the memory.
> questions:
> - how should I print without std? syscall(Syswrite... ?
> - how to debug without gdb print command?
> - any common pitfalls when porting to new system? so I don't reinvent multiple wheels
> thx in advance.

    Ori Bernstein